Community Resources
Jessica Martel Memorial Foundation Support and assistance for domestic violence through the actions of advocacy, awareness, community engagement, education, and safe housing.
Rapid Access Counselling Offers Free counselling for adults, teens, children, couples, and families.
Rivers Edge Counselling Centre Information & counselling for adults, teens, children, couples, and families.
St. Albert and Sturgeon Primary Care Network Health management, nutrition, seniors health, mental health, maternity.
St. Albert Community and Social Development Provides preventive social services to the residents of St. Albert.
St. Albert Community Village and Food Bank Infant Formula Program, Cultural/community kitchen, Community Liaison, Rental Assistance Program, Tools for Schools, Utility Relief Grant.
St. Albert Further Education & STAR Literacy Provides tutoring in reading, writing, numeracy, English, and more.
St. Albert Housing Society Direct assistance, subsidy and seniors.
Transitions Rehabilitation Association of St. Albert & District Provides support services to people with developmental disabilities of all ages, and their families.
General Resources
211 Alberta A great place to find programs and services in your community.
Alberta Supports Assistance for family & individual social supports.
Jumpstart Recreational sport subsidies. Provides funding helping promote physical activity in youth.
Kidsport Offers grant programs for youth in sport.
Little Warriors Awareness, prevention and treatment of child sexual abuse.
SAIF (Stop Abuse in Families) Provides counselling, child play therapy, education programs, elder abuse prevention, New Directions group counselling for parents & children.
SACE (Sexual Assault Centre of Edmonton) Individual & group counselling. Information and resources.
Sagesse Domestic violence education and workshops, peer support.
St Vincent DePaul Charitable organization, offering clothing, furniture, transportation, programs.
St Albert School Boards
Ecole La Mission (francophone school in St. Albert)